AYAC’s 2025-2026 Pre-Budget submission outlines out our key asks for Australian young people and the youth sector, as well as asks for us as an organisation.
Click the image to the left to download the full submission
AYAC 2025 - 2026 Pre-Budget Submission
Power to the (Young) People: Embedding Young People’s Needs and Priorities in Public Policy
AYAC is pleased to launch our youth policy report: Power to the (Young) People: Embedding Young People’s Needs and Priorities in Public Policy.
This report presents a range of policy options that reinforce and build on existing youth strategies, to improve the quality and responsiveness of public policy to young people and ultimately strengthen the relationship between young people and government. This report considers a range of policy options and examples from Australia and internationally. These include:
national youth strategies
youth impact assessments
national youth parliaments
youth quotas
Click the image to the left to download the full report!
Councils, Committees, and YAGs (oh my!): On Formal Youth Leadership
AYAC is pleased to launch our youth leadership report: Councils, committees, and YAGs (oh my!): On formal youth leadership.
The report is structured around three research questions:
What is youth leadership?
What ‘works’ in youth leadership?
How might we best meet future youth leadership needs?
This report is primarily focused on formal youth leadership – think student representative councils, youth advisory groups, youth parliaments, and the like.
Click the image to the left to download the full report!
AYAC 2024–25 Budget Summary
This briefing provides an overview of the key initiatives announced by the Australian Government in the 2024-2025 May Budget that will affect young people in Australia.
Click on the image to the left to download the full summary!

Young People at the Polling Booth
We asked young people to share what is most important when deciding how to vote at the election.

National Definition of Youth Work
The National Definition of Youth Work was formed through a series of consultations and workshops.

Youth Work Snapshot
The National Snapshot of Youth Work provides a profile of the youth work sector.

Yarn about Youth
Reconciliation Australia and AYAC launched Yarn About Youth to explore how we can progress reconciliation.

Beyond Earn or Learn
The Beyond Lear or Earn project reviewed education and employment programs for young people.